Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Fig-meant of Imagination

When there is a fig and when you think about its meaning and being it is called fig-meant of imagination. You might wonder what is she talking about!
Moving out of the ever blinding cloud of words that don’t make sense at all, I directly come to the point- Imagination.

Waking dream or imagination is a mesmerising thing to think of! You can design your imagination the way you want to, put into it, your favourite colours and see the flowers in it bloom and scent according to your will and wish. All of it, without letting anyone know about it. You sit alone, silent in your room or you be in a crowded place, like waiting for a train at the railway station, you are bound to dream, straying to the far-far lands and staring unknowingly somewhere. Sometimes it happens that you are lost looking right in the face of a person until his/her reverted gaze catches you and you bounce out of the stillness.

People imagine things they think of, they wish for, they fear and dread, they envy, they get angry about, to sum up, I guess all the emotions do form a figment of the imagination. This is what drives them, to be, to work towards what they want. For example, a person sees a rich man; he dreams of himself getting down from a car, spending his fortune on things he always wanted for himself, so he starts looking for better job opportunities or find some way to earn more. Another example a girl who is plump looks at another who is slim and beautiful. She thinks of herself in that state, how good looking she would be, probably she might get a nice guy. She imagines herself like that and wishes to be slim too so she starts to do daily exercise. Imagination is a positive trigger to few but it can have a negative impact too.
In order to become rich, that person can try taking advantage of others or deceive others so that he gets on top. That girl might start dieting and ruin her health to become like someone else. So it is important that one thinks positive for realising their waking dream.
It is such a beautiful part of our brain with an ability to imagine what cannot exist. It provides grounds to prove that nothing is impossible. For example, who thought a human could fly like a bird until somebody imagined it and here we are flying up to space.
I read somewhere that – when a wish is exactly same as fear, then it is a nightmare. Applies to even imagination, doesn’t it? But then all you do it shake you out of that and move on, though somewhere it still stays in your head.
That was bad, what you thought, it was wrong. You are not supposed to think like that. Imagination gives you wings to break all the bounds constructed by the wrong and right book of humans and society. So many complications and one easy task, just Imagine!
Some follow the trails and match the dots laid by their imagination and do something immensely good and extremely worst, a matter of control over the mind. Everything you are and will be is a figment of your imagination and your urge to follow it. Your thoughts are just the bridges or paths to them.
Fig-meant, did I say fig? You know it looks like an onion and its inside looks like an inside of a jellyfish! I want to eat one, no not jellyfish, am talking about the onion.

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