Thursday, December 17, 2015


People. How they think love is so difficult, that love is not their cup of tea,
that love is that they will never bring themselves to. How they never unerstood that they were changed,
when they fell in love, that they were transformed into a better human being, that they were living each
day with even more zest. How they thought that falling always hurts.

People. They can lie to the world but not their hearts, that are always ready to endure the tough terrains, the crests
and troughs of this journey, that are willing to sacrifice for somebody other than self, that believes truly,
trusts deeply and cares selflessly.

People. They need love, they dont want it. They need the gentle touch of care, they need the assuring words of love,
they need the patient ears in silence. They need someone close with whom they can open up, against the canvas that they paint for world
to watch everyday. They want to give up, in front of someone, where they can lay with their open chests and dry scars, where they can
reveal the dark shadows that scares them, where they can fearlessly dance under the innocence, that usually hides within them.

People. They are far too soft inside, but they don't show. They can take risk, with many hearts, they can even take revenge on them.
But for that one heart, they give up their weapons and lay bare, lay weak, lay in their perfect selves.

People. They are slaves, of their own selves.