Tuesday, October 3, 2017

We Survived

Wobbling, I fall down
Stuttering, Unclear, my mistakes profound
What a mess, a pile of flaws
Trying to match the nature's laws

Highlighted, standing in spotlight
Brought forth my life's plight
Wary of true self, I hide
With the lion's skin on, I stay disguised

Like You, I masquerade
The world and you and I play facade
But, You know the face beneath this veil
The vulnerable wounds of fear if I fail

You, my dear, know the fragility of my flesh and bones
And you know the twists in my wavering tones
My head housing perforated thoughts
You know which are true and what is farce

Stay back and stop, don't speculate and say
Weak in your conviction, and your tears are a bait
Without knowing the right from wrong
You don't realize what you say

You turn my day to gloom,
And leave my nights doomed
Knowing all about my fears
My chest open, laid bare

Your arrow draws through the skin
Words pierce punishing my sins
Avowed, I ask for amnesty
Defeated I say, "Set me free!"

You are at fault as am I
Withered in time, we both have lied
Either we slaughter each other undignified
Or live through the troughs and say "We Survived!"