Wednesday, July 13, 2016

All That Is Me

Floating in the vacuum where there is not a sound
Letting all lose, nothing shall make me bound
I am my own master, I am the slave
I gather my angels, while I dig my own grave
The devil rocks beside me in the chair
While I laugh with vituperation, I stare
The angel sits next to my soul
I am born, every moment, I die as a whole
I release my breath, the wisps of air
I scoff at the time that runs in despair
I shoot the eagles that fly often too high
I bend and touch the ground, beneath which I will lie
I throw the diamonds, I melt the gold
I become my own as I manifold
I trance to the levels that I knew long ago
Layers beneath my skin follow the flow
I am but not, I am a serene spirit
Stiff in the moment yet I get a drift
Pushed by the seconds, the ticks of the clock
Sway as I stay ahead of the moron flock
Catch me if you may
If you dare to touch my fire
Smoke I am, uplifted by desire
Parted by ways and born with benign
Yet devil in my left eye and right without a vision
Shadows of the stars hollow their dust in me
Ah! Pixels of love I am and all that I will be

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