Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Live, Don't Just Survive

Another day comes to end
Resting under the fall of the night in a world
Where I and you pretend

We take off our masks and breathe
Seek refuge from the toil of the time
Into the merry of dreams, hearing
Passive voices from worlds that live underneath

Speak to us of time and life
That we think exist in units of seconds and hours
Are a mere mirage—a mist in the labyrinth of life
We walk aimlessly through the maze

Human, what do you think yesterday offered you?
And what will tomorrow bring?
Will you spend that the same way too?

Count, count your time, not on beads or clocks
But, moments of learning, listening, living.
Chant not just the hymns, believe and discover
The spirit in fire, the magic in rocks

Power within you goes waste
Clinging to the world of fame and haste
Speak to the trees, they say a story
Human, you were born naked, you will die the same
Seize a chance until the breath remains

Create stories from the pond of your life
Disperse like seeds and grow to inspire
And if you are lucky, you will hear the earth speak
Of secrets of the Universe that hide in her womb
And you will know this isn’t even real
But, the words will go with you to your tomb

Throw your mask off with the first light
Don’t be that moth stuck to the bright
Climb out of your coffins, you are buried alive
Learn to live rather just survive

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