Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Conversations


“You didn’t wish me today”, Vidhu exclaimed.
“Ya! Happy Tuesday!” Vishal replied.
“Ya! Same to you!” she retorted back.
“I don’t believe in all this Valentine’s Day and stuff. Plus we have our own day. This day is not needed.”
“I know, even I don’t, but I am not asking for gifts or flowers. I just want you to wish or say you love me.”
“That I say daily, what difference will it make?”
Nothing, but I still wanted you to wish me once. I called you so many times in the morning but you didn’t pick up.”
“I was sleeping. I picked up the call to say so”
“And, then you didn’t wake up until 4pm? That was when your call came”
“I woke up but I slept again”
“Great. That is why I didn’t pick-up your calls and not because I was busy.”
“Oh! So you wanted to do ‘a-tit-for-tat’?”
“Yes! You can’t even say a few words of love. Not even a bit of romance left in you.”
“I told you I don’t believe in this day.”
“Ok. At least wish me now”
“Happy Tuesday!”
“Same to you.”
“You voice is not clear. Could you be louder?”
“I said bye”
“What? Bye? But Why?”
“You can’t hear me. Can you?”
“I will call you later, ok. Can’t hear you properly”

Call Ends

Text Message Sent To Vishal

“I missed you so much. I wanted to hear a few words of affection. I know I hear them every day and it shouldn’t matter be it today or tomorrow. But, was expecting something.. just a few words of love maybe.”


“Hey Hi Vidhu. How are you?”
“I am good Nitish. What about you?”
“I am great. Hey, quickly tell me. Which is your favourite colour?”
“What? What are you getting? No! I don’t want anything. Please.”
“Tell you favourite colour, I am in a hurry. Quick, quick.”
“Hey what are you getting? Please don’t. I really don’t want anything.”
“Tell me the colour fast”
“Don’t worry. Got to go. Bye”

Call Ends

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