Tuesday, February 18, 2014

REALITY Check..!

Each of you reading this article now, I am sure, must have faced one or the other troubles of life, raw and rich in pain, anguish, anger, hopelessness, dejection, misery, gloominess and all the negative it has to offer. Each of you had to go through certain hardships whose depths and degrees are known no-one but you. The failures and fallacy that had dawned upon you must have had churned your confidence and crushed your beliefs. You slowly remember what I am talking about, don’t you? You can relate it all to that bad time that had crossed your way sometime or may be is the biggest rock in your path right now.

Life is not a bed of roses. Well I would say it is a bed of roses, unless you accept that the thorns are actually a part of the damn flower. In order to reach the sweet honey, few stings from the bumble bee are unavoidable! Now you would say look! She is all muttering some silly quotes to cheer me up! Aye! You may say that. That is the part of every nonsense but necessary talk that someone does to cheer up your mood and take you out of your despair. So I began the usual way.

Troubles! Cherish them! Not for the pain and the agony they have to offer but for the gift of experience that they deliver unknowingly. When a child starts to walk, or let us say when You started walking, you must have fallen innumerable times. You must have collided with the door and dropped on your butt! You must have slipped and landed on your head! (Believe me people still fall even after learning how to walk!)  Now look at you! Can you walk?  Why? Because when you were young and you wanted that small white car lying far from you, too far to crawl and discomfort you knees, your mind thought of an alternative…walk! So you tried to lift yourself, on all fours first, took your mommy’s support or may be assistance nearby, wobbled at first, may be fell again, but walked over and grabbed that piece of toy.    

Moral of your story? You got what you dearly wanted.

This is when you reach the toy. Then there is another counter case where you don’t reach the toy, you try hard but it seems to get out of the hand, rolling over farther under the sofa, as you try to touch and grab it. Even after trying your best, you fail. What you did then? Cry! Sadness, anguish and despair played around you. Did you give up then? No! You told your mom to help you out. She put the broom stick under it and pushed the toy out from the other end. Next time same thing happened as your red ball rolled in. Did you cry again? Did you ask for help? No! You brought the broomstick and tried to get the ball on your own. And this time you got it.

You knew if you used your hand the ball would have gotten off the grip and moved further, so you didn't repeat your mistake, may be not the same mistake again. Something similar goes on when you are all grown up. The difference is that the white car is replaced by a girlfriend/boyfriend or that red ball is replaced by a job. The urge to get what you want, the emotions linked with not getting it is all the same though more intense.

Being steady is not a mechanism here in this world. The time keeps on changing with every tick of its needles. Change is inevitable and the wheels are in motion all the time. Right now as you read this, things are changing drastically behind you, around you, inside you, everywhere. This time which now seems black like a dark night is simply changing its shades from violet to indigo to blue to green and to the blooming colors there forth. You may not notice what you are gaining out of it because it is still small, invisible, and puny.  It will show itself on a big picture soon. I won’t say every cloud has a silver lining. I am no philosopher or someone who has seen life from distance and deduced its mechanism. I am nobody to explain to you the mystical strategies and stipulations of life. I am an explorer, not even in the supposedly midway of my trail, and I think experience has a great role in summarizing the inference out of this long walk.

Wherever you are, on the rocks, wet in rain, or dried under sun, it is a moment toenjoy grief, because time will definitely come when you walk bare-feet over wet grass, under the shades and when you do so you will remember the rocks that took you over to these grounds and how sweet it is to taste your own sweat and get over with it. With the umbrella of experience over you, you might even prevent the rain from wetting you again or the sun to burn you up. If something is unavoidable, unpredictable and not understandable you can’t let it pass through you like a ghost, haunting you half the way. The consequence are there of course, but as far as you control your outlook towards it, it is going to hollow you like a termite to wood.

So guys and girls, enjoy the grief, embrace your emotions and make peace with yourself. The time is ticking right behind your eyes. The tide that flipped your boat has the potential to drive you to the shore (provided you know how to swim). Enjoy your surf over the gloom and the boon equally. You never know when the winds change their path and drive you through the muddle. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Writer

With intent to write something I open the usual MS-Word. When a blank page opens up, it stares at me as if reflecting the intellects of my mind. The dark, still and numb blankness, waits to be filled with the aroma of thoughts. Then slowly the thoughts start building up, as if flying like a flock of birds, one after another, in a row, painting the canvas beneath the cranium. Slowly it triggers a landslide, and in an instant I see myself typing. To bring about the small wonders of the big world into few words and phrases may not seem a big task. What is necessary is to grab your attention… yes yours!

A writer I am, and I seek your attention. Not to be famous or acclaimed but to be appreciated for my piece of work, my thoughts, for the least to just go through it once, whole of it at a time. I want to connect with you. A mind-to-mind, rather heart-to-heart tunnel, that beams out to you an essence of my thoughts, and in return get your attention and approval.
What not we try, to prevent your eyes, from doodling over to your phone every other second or leave the read even for a moment. Sarcasm, jokes, just-kidding truths, matter of facts or even fiction. Yet you wander off. Well if you did, come back please.

The cursor blinks again, may be thrice a second, waiting to be shifted the right way. Thinking is in the process. I look up, towards the only light source that lights up my room, bring my eyelids down, stop at some spot and blur my vision, until I cast about, inside my head, looking for the right words to pop out. Vision back to the screen, fingers jumping from key to key, I am writing again.

Meanwhile you get bored, may be, “God! When is it going to get finished? “. You ask your brain, what to do next, leave it half way and get back to checking your phone; just in-case another text just arrived.I can only hope you don’t do that. I try my best to keep you affixed.

I am a writer, never perfect and craving for it. Your reaction is my scorecard. I need you to be as still as you are while taking a picture. No don’t move, don’t shift, blink less, and keep on reading, left to right. 

You came down, thank you. I think I have got your eyeballs now. Follow me!
My world isn't a piece of cake
                                                Neither is it a cakewalk
                  You follow me here and if you don’t
You are always free to walk
This way please…      Thank you..