Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Top 10 crazy things to do before you die

Top 10 crazy things to do before you die

10 crazy things to do before I breathe my last, 10 deeds of insanity to endeavor before they burn me in hell, 10 memories to make before I turn into ash, 10 wishes to fulfill before I am nothing but dust! A countdown before my finite breadths lose their count- Let me take you for a ride, on to the crazy dreams that linger somewhere waiting to be fulfilled.

My Bucket List:-

10. To be the most famous one!

Want to hear the crowd shout your name at the top of their voices? Want to be the focus of paparazzi? Want the people to run behind you to get your autograph? With every newspaper having your name printed in their copies, your snap being on the cover page of the magazines and countless followers on facebook and twitter, want to be the talk of the town?? Oh Common! who doesn’t?  Becoming famous once before I die and let the world know my existence on this planet, even in death! That is wish number 10 for me!

9. Own a pet tiger

I never got chance to have a pet. Forget a normal dog or cat, a tiger would be great for a beginning I wonder! How much i wished to own a tiger, when i saw one on the Discovery Channel, or the Animal Planet! A royal Bengal tiger strolling along with me and scaring the shit out of my neighbor and his dog! Giving the people around me goose-bumps, with the roars that come from my house, owning a pet tiger is my dream number 9.

8. Make a personal collection of luxury cars and bikes
ferrarri, fastest, rocking, bike, luxury, car

A collection of luxury cars and bikes! Though I don’t know how to drive one but hey I need to be picked up and dropped in one! A ferrarri in morning , a jaguar in evening, a limousine at the party time and a MV-Agusta to race around. Speed at its best for me!

7. Free all the birds and animals captivated in the pet shops and zoos

The pets that wait all day and all night in the shops, just for you to come and take them home, as if they have no life of their own, to live. The parakeets, macaws, doves whose wings were made to stay aloof the ground are now caged behind those bars where in they barely fit. So this wish would grant me a freedom to free them all, to whisper to them to fly far away and never look back. To see all the roads blocked by the animals released from the zoos, parks and cages to their own forest land would be wish number 7!

 6. Declare an official holiday on my birthday for people to celebrate

Ever wished you wouldn't have to get up on your birthday and go to the office, school and college, rather call your best buddies and party all day without caring? How much you wanted every other stranger you see, to wish you? How much you wanted the world to know that you came into the world this day?! Simple! Declare an official holiday on your special day. To  let 6th January be a National Holiday and cease the day with my presence for all to celebrate it!

5. A Wish to Fly
Want to be a superman or ironman and glide over the heads of people! To feel the same way when as a bird cutting through the winds, to have a sight of the round and infinitely expanding earth below, to breathe the cold air and drop down straight through the clouds! Sky diving before the end of it all is a must do!

4. To own a rum factory

“15 men on the dead man’s chest, Yo! Ho! Ho! And a bottle of Rum!”,If only you could get an unlimited amount of this beautiful drink and get high whenever you feel like, you better run a Rum factory, before time stops you forever. Wish number 4, To at least have a store!

3.  Make it all a fairy world

Tired of crimes, tired of the nonsense happening around in humanity! Politics and politicians! System and democracy! A name given to those who maintain law rather make law of their own. People killing people over non-materialistic things, blood and cries dripping and echoing in every corner but what if it can be happy ending ever after. A wish to change this world into a fairy tale with a happy ending, people living in peace and contentment, equality for all, love and care sprouting out from everywhere. That’s wish number 3!

 2. Watch the earth and moon from space

One of the most fascinating and only job, where you can get a top view of your home is being an astronaut, where the magnificent blue planet rotates below you and moon literally being your nearest neighbor, with stars shinning brighter than ever and one among them flaming with all might, a wish to be on the international space station is one unique among a million.
p.s -NASA please recruit me!

1.   To have the potential to make above all true

What could be worse, if this bucket list can’t be fulfilled before the end nears in and your heart shuts down, before you could even begin saving up cash and planning upon your bucket list. To have the potential and power to grab all that you wished for and not wait for it to slowly be a mere list on a piece of paper, you need to have money! Billions of it! Wish number 1.

                          ……Good Life and Good luck to all!

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